Useful links
- The solab cloud (restricted access, ask if you need the passwd)
- The solab in Brittany website
- The solab/senox argo floats: Bioargo 6903091 and ArgoOx 6903067
- The Dakar Yoff weather station data
SOLAB partners and friends in the media
About estuaries
- IUPA in support of the Sine-Saloum populations with Pr. Malick Diouf (video, 2019, fr.)
- Shellfish harvest in the Sine Saloum and marine biology (newspaper article, Ouest France, 2021, in french)
- Shellfish harvest in the Sine Saloum and participatory science (audio podcast, RFI, 2021, in french)
- Shellfish harvest in the Sine Saloum: seeking help from marine biologists (audio podcast, RTS, 2022, in french)
More resources
Small pelagic fish, illegal and overfishing in WA
- In Senegal, traditional fisheries at risk due to chinese trawlers/Au Sénégal, la pêche artisanale fragilisée par l’arrivée des chalutiers chinois (news, Le Monde, Jan. 2022, in french)
- Senegal, what future for fisheries (audio podcast, RFI, Jun. 2020)
Coastal development, pollution
- Concerns about the construction of the Ndayane harbour (TV news, TV5 monde, 2022, fr.)
- Concerns about development projects offshore of the “Petite Côte” (news article, Mediapart, 2022, in french)
- Coastal pollution in Senegal (audio RFI, 2017, in french)
Harmful algal blooms
- Mysterious fishermen’s disease (news article, RFI, 2021, in french)
- Mysterious fishermen’s disease (news article, RFI, 2020, in french)
- News on research in fishermen’s disease (news article, RFI, 2020, fr.)